Monday, October 31, 2011

Alone by Edgar Allen Poe review

Morrison Marketing
Michael Morrison
Review of Work of Edgar Allen Poe

     I just got done reading Mr. Poe's poem "alone", I must say that it is another great piece of work. Poe in the poem tells the reader that he is different than others and he is unique in his pleasures and sorrows. He says that since the beginning, so he noticed that he was different at a young age. This relates to me somewhat because I do not draw interest from the same things as others do. I am not a poet or a artist, but I do have a creative side that is not found in no other human being.

     I imagine Poe being a kid and realizing for the first time that the other kids did not like the things that he did and that he was in it for himself. Poe wrote that they were not in the same tone. He said also in the poem that he was alone in loving whatever he loved. He must have thought himself very lonely to be the only to stand for some of these things he loved so much. everyone can relate somewhat to this. There is something that all of us love, but the general population could care less about it. Poe took it further and had a unique mind to begin with. I do not think he was smarter than the kids in his 4th grade class, but he was different and something we may never see again.

     As the poem ends, Poe talks of weather and looking to the sky to see nothing more than a demons face. This is not in the scary sense, but it seems like Poe's thinking that even god is letting him be. Again Poe proves how different he is than others and his usual genius of landscape poetry and melancholy.

Thanks for your time, Michael G. Morrison

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